Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cuti... i no go sch because alot of fren oso no go...about 11 am i wake le..den go watch tv and sms...then got 1 4sc3 de student ajok me go kbmall dono do wad...i tot can go eat KFC at thr with him..then say ok lor...who knows kfc no open...siao la...hungry le nih...

bo pian...but mujur got sis haha...she bring go noodle stesen eat ...i order bbq chicken de noodle...sedap oso haha...but the drinks...walao cant finish it...coz too cold...and kinda big glass oso...forced to tapao lor...drink until whole body oso getar le...gila de...drink so big glass for wad...sedap bah...XD
my bbq mee...yummy =P

sad 1 thing...less 1 gal haha...tat sakai de lor...say wan ajok...then at car just ajok...ppl how go gak...siao de...

not bad la...have a gud meal half day de cuti...gone le...

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